Wednesday, 5 December 2012

5 months on......

It looks like Greg W is ready to take to the skies with his 'almost' 100% completed PnP!

Here's all the latest photos to check out!

I better get working on mine again!

Monday, 19 November 2012

More photos from Greg W

Some more amazing work on display!

Looks like I better pull out that covering iron & get on with it!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Covering update from Greg W

If there was ever any doubt that Greg W was the covering master these latest photos will confirm the title!

Have a look at his amazing work!

Got a feeling that a maiden flight may not be far away!

Monday, 22 October 2012

Latest photos from Greg W

Lots going on for the blog lately & today brings photos from Greg W showing us some more of his super professional covering techniques.

He's a hard act to follow!

Should be more to come soon!

Sunday, 21 October 2012

First covering!

I decided to cover the rudder to test out the white Oracover & it was very easy to use.

I ran out of enthusiasm to start on the blue chequers!

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Ready to cover!

After steady progress the Pete 'n Poke is now ready to cover apart from final filling & sanding!

Really happy with how she looks with everything in place - the last photo shows the static wing struts in place which I'd forgotten to fit prior to the other photos being taken.

This baby is not that far from flying!

I think Eddie is looking forward to heading out to look for some combat action!

More soon so stay tuned!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Captain Eddie steps aboard!

I painted the insides of the cockpits & installed the instrument panel stickers.

You can't see it in the photo but I put some carbon fibre looking trimming at the rear of the cockpit.

As you can see Eddie is now aboard as I was worried that he may not fit in once the cockpit was fully sheeted which it now is!

Check him out - looks mean!

More soon!

Monday, 15 October 2012

Keeping it moving

For the second day in a row, more progress!

I sheeted the other side of the front fuse - much easier the second time around....

I also cut the cockpit surrounds & fitted one side; it's really starting to take shape!

Looking forward to getting more done but no time now until late in the week.

Very happy overall with how it's all coming together.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Back in the Pete 'n Poke groove

Well, after weeks of inactivity I was moved to get back into the Pete 'n Poke build.....

Maybe it was the inspiration of the CMAC win in the scratch build challenge at Mareeba!

Anyway, I mounted up the fuel tank & elevator, rudder & throttle servos along with fitting the throttle linkage tube.

I also made a start on sheeting the top of the fuselage which proved to be a lot more difficult than it might look.

I only got one side done because the glue needs to dry - it kinda makes Pete look like a mummy!

Hopefully I'll have some more progress to report soon!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

An update at last!

Apologies to everybody following this blog for the lack of activity!

Here's a couple photos from Greg W showing off his amazing covering technique - he's streets ahead of the pack with his PnP!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

So much for catching up!

Late breaking news from Greg W who just sent me these incredible photos showing an amazing level of finish on the cockpits along with a start on the covering with the chequers on the rudder!

Looking good!

Looks like I'll be working until midnight tomorrow night!

Wing mounts...

I spent four hours working on the wing mounts this afternoon & made plenty of progress.......even though by looking at the photos you'd never know it!

This section takes plenty of time, plenty of patience & plenty of beers afterwards!

Hopefully more to come tomorrow night!

Ready to cover!

Greg W sent me through these photos of his PnP which now ready to cover!

Check out the beautiful sheeting & sanding work on the front of the fuse!

(There's even a cameo from Jen)!

Time for me to get those wing mounts sorted so I can catch up, but this is a hard act to follow!